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The Chinese criminal defense lawyers’ team participated in the seminar on Hakamada case by Attorney Yoshiyuki Todate 中国刑辩律师团队在Asian Commons参与了有关袴田案件辩护的讲座

Writer's picture: Asian CommonsAsian Commons

Date: 24/04/2024 19:00-22:30

Location: Asian Commons

Lecturer: Attorney Yoshiyuki Todate

时间:2024年4⽉24⽇ 19:00-22:00

地点:Asian Commons


As a member of the defense team for the Hakamada’s case, Attorney Yoshiyuki Todate first provided Chinese criminal defense lawyers with a detailed introduction to the Hakamada’s case. This included an overview of the case, its progress, the reasons for Mr. Hakamada's innocence, and the reactions of the courts and prosecution after a retrial was requested. In relation to the Hakamada’s case, Chinese criminal defense lawyers posed a series of questions to Attorney Yoshiyuki Todate. These questions included the possibility of the investigating authorities fabricating evidence, the social relationship between the defendant and the victim, the defendant's motive for the crime, whether records of the judges' panel discussions are archived, the possibility of re-examining the DNA, and the impact of the Hakamada’s case on Japanese society. At the same time, the Chinese criminal defense lawyers also shared their professional experiences, such as using more advanced and neutral scientific technologies from other countries to re-examine the evidence involved in the Hakamada’s case, and discussing potential errors in the previous forensic methods. Chinese criminal defense lawyers and Attorney Yoshiyuki Todate further discussed the issues evident in the Japanese judicial system as highlighted by the Hakamada case. These issues include the ‘hostage justice system’, the difficulties in requesting retrials and pursuing accountability for wrongful convictions, as well as the rigidity of the Japanese criminal justice system. In addition, Attorney Yoshiyuki Todate also detailed to the Chinese criminal defense lawyers the issues of wrongful criminal convictions in Japan and the challenges faced by Japanese criminal defense lawyers. These included the number of wrongful criminal convictions in Japan and their underlying causes, the sense of helplessness experienced by criminal defense lawyers during the defense process, and the problems arising from the decreasing number of lawyers willing to engage in criminal defense work. At the end, Attorney Yoshiyuki Todate expressed a wish to further understand China and its judicial system, and Chinese criminal defense lawyers also expressed a strong wish to enhance informal exchanges between Chinese and Japanese lawyers.


作为袴⽥案件辩护团队的⼀员,戸舘圭之律师⾸先向中国刑事辩护律师详细介绍了袴⽥案件的情况。其中包括案件概述、案件进展、被告⼈袴⽥岩先⽣⽆罪的理由,以及袴⽥案件提出再审之后法院、检察院的反应等。针对袴⽥案件,中国刑事辩护律师向戸舘圭之律师提出了⼀系列问题,这些问题包括:办案机关捏造证据的可能性、被告⼈与被害⼈之间的社会关系、被告⼈的犯罪动机、法官合议记录是否存档、以及DNA重新鉴定的可能性、袴⽥案件对⽇本社会的影响等。与此同时,中国刑事辩护律师也分享了⾃⼰职业⽣涯中的经验,例如采⽤更先进、更中⽴国家的科学技术重新鉴定袴⽥案件涉及的证据,以及探讨之前的鉴定⽅法中可能存在的错误。中国刑事辩护律师与戸舘圭之律师进⼀步探讨了通过袴⽥案件所显现的⽇本司法系统中存在的问题,这些问题包括⼈质司法的不合理性、再审请求及冤案追责的困难性,以及⽇本刑事司法系统的僵化等。 除此之外,戸舘圭之律师也向中国刑事辩护律师详细阐述了⽇本的刑事冤案以及⽇本刑事辩 护律师所⾯临的困境。这些内容包括:⽇本刑事冤案的数量和其背后原因、作为刑事辩护律师在辩护过程中感受到的⽆助感,以及越来越少的律师愿意从事刑事辩护⼯作所引发的⼀系列问题等。 最后,戸舘圭之律师表达了希望进⼀步了解中国以及中国司法的愿望,中国刑事辩护律师也 强烈希望加强中⽇律师之间的⺠间交流。 


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